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Sundyne BMC Integrally Geared Compressor Packaging

Single Stage Integrally Geared Compressor - Surge Control IGV's and Suction Throttle Options
Single Stage Integrally Geared Compressor - Surge Control IGV's and Suction Throttle Options
Rundown Oil Accumulators
Rundown Oil Accumulators
Purge Gas Panels for Hazardous Locations
Purge Gas Panels for Hazardous Locations
API Compliant Bases
API Compliant Bases
Demister for Gearbox Oil
Demister for Gearbox Oil
Redundant Seal Gas and Oil Filter
Redundant Seal Gas and Oil Filter
API 614 Lube Oil Reservoir with Manway
API 614 Lube Oil Reservoir with Manway
2 out of 3 Voxing - All Instrument Protocols Supported
2 out of 3 Voxing - All Instrument Protocols Supported
Motor up to 500 HP, 375 kW
Motor up to 500 HP, 375 kW
Customer Specified Paint Finish Systems, NACE, Cryogenic Builds
Customer Specified Paint Finish Systems, NACE, Cryogenic Builds
Sundyne LF 2X80 Process Gas Compressor Skid Package

Heavy Duty Gearbox Supports up to 4 Compressor Stages
Heavy Duty Gearbox Supports up to 4 Compressor Stages
Motor 800 HP, 600 kW
Motor 800 HP, 600 kW
Gauge Board Panels, Operator Human Interface - Fire Safe Valves and Instruments, Full Vibration and Bearing Temperature Monitoring
Gauge Board Panels, Operator Human Interface - Fire Safe Valves and Instruments, Full Vibration and Bearing Temperature Monitoring
Redundant Lube Oil Cooler
Redundant Lube Oil Cooler
Redundant Lube Oil Cooler
Redundant Lube Oil Cooler
Redundant Lube Oil Cooler
Redundant Lube Oil Cooler
Pressure Relief Systems Per Customer Requirements
Pressure Relief Systems Per Customer Requirements
API 614 Lube Oil Reservoir
API 614 Lube Oil Reservoir
Lube Oil Pump
Lube Oil Pump
Sundyne LF 2000 Integrally Geared Compressor Skid Package

Integrally Geared Compressor API 617, Up to 4 Stages on a Single Gearbox, Surge Controls to Suit Customer Requirements IGV's or Suction Throttling
Integrally Geared Compressor API 617, Up to 4 Stages on a Single Gearbox, Surge Controls to Suit Customer Requirements IGV's or Suction Throttling
Cross-over for Tying Stages Together to Increase Pressure on a Single Gearbox
Cross-over for Tying Stages Together to Increase Pressure on a Single Gearbox
Dual Heat Exchangers
Dual Heat Exchangers
Control Panels, Full Vibration and Bearing Temperature Monitoring
Control Panels, Full Vibration and Bearing Temperature Monitoring
API 614 Lube Oil System
API 614 Lube Oil System
Dual Oil Filter and Transfer Valve, Dual Seal Gas Filter
Dual Oil Filter and Transfer Valve, Dual Seal Gas Filter
Motor up to 10,000 HP, 7,500 kW
Motor up to 10,000 HP, 7,500 kW
Conduit or Cable Tray Options
Conduit or Cable Tray Options
API Compliant Bases
API Compliant Bases
Sundyne HMP 7000 Pump Skid Package

Motor up to 2,400 HP, 1,790 kW
Motor up to 2,400 HP, 1,790 kW
Separate Utility Skid and Customization Available
Separate Utility Skid and Customization Available
Multiple Pump Stages on a Single Gearbox, Deflection Pad, High Speed Bearings
Multiple Pump Stages on a Single Gearbox, Deflection Pad, High Speed Bearings
Demister for Lube Oil System
Demister for Lube Oil System
Lube Oil Reservoir 3 Minute Retention Time
Lube Oil Reservoir 3 Minute Retention Time
Forced Lube Motors if Required
Forced Lube Motors if Required
Instrumentation, Heated Instrument Enclosures Available, Conduit or Cable Tray for Electrical Wiring
Instrumentation, Heated Instrument Enclosures Available, Conduit or Cable Tray for Electrical Wiring
Crossover Ties Pump Stages Together for High Pressure Applications
Crossover Ties Pump Stages Together for High Pressure Applications
Baseplates Designed for Safe, Easy Access to Instrumentation and for Maintenance
Baseplates Designed for Safe, Easy Access to Instrumentation and for Maintenance